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23 Jul 2024 Paula Martins

10+ “Success” Synonyms To Put In Your Resume [With Examples]

Looking for “success” synonyms to put in your resume?

Sometimes, it can feel like there is no better word than “success” to fit a certain definition.

And, when you finish crafting your resume, you realize you might have gotten a little too carried away with that word.

Okay, so how can you find another word for “success” that still communicates exactly what you want in your resume?

In this article, you'll find more than just a list of synonyms: you'll also find examples of how to phrase these words in each section of your resume.

At the end of this article, I'll share a secret tip on how to level up your resume writing.

You can read this piece from top to bottom or jump to the specific sections below:

Let's get started!

10+ Synonyms For “Success” To Put In Your Resume

Below, you can find a list of 10 synonyms for “success” to add to your resume:

  1. Achievement: Implies accomplishing a goal.
  2. Accomplishment: Conveys completion and attainment.
  3. Conquer: Suggests reaching a specific result with triumph.
  4. Triumph: Emphasizes great success and victory.
  5. Prosperity: Suggests wealth and growth.
  6. Fulfillment: Implies satisfaction and completion.
  7. Attainment: Suggests reaching a goal.
  8. Advancement: Focuses on progress and growth.
  9. Realization: Indicates bringing goals to fruition.
  10. Completion: Conveys finishing a task or goal.

How To Use “Success” Synonyms On Your Resume (With Examples)

Now that you've seen the top 10 synonyms for “success,” here's how you can phrase them in a sentence:

1. Using “achievement” as another word for “success”:

Another Word For Success - Achievement

You can use the past tense of “achievement” (“achieved”) to suggest accomplishing a goal. Here's an example:

Using “success”:

Successfully developed automated workflows that reduced processing time by 30%.

Using “achievement”:

Achieved a 30% improvement in processing time by developing automated workflows.

“Achievement” suggests a high level of accomplishment, enhancing the perception of success.

2. Using “accomplishment” as another word for “success”:

Another Word For Success - Acomplishment

“Accomplishment”, or “accomplished”, is ideal for roles requiring completion and attainment. Here's an example:

Using “success”:

Successfully developed new marketing strategies that increase customer engagement by 40% within six months.

Using “accomplishment”:

Acomplished 40% increase in customer engagement within six months by developing new marketing strategies.

“Accomplishment” implies a significant attainment, suggesting reliability and capability.

3. Using “conquer” as another word for “success”:

Another Word For Success - Conquer

“Conquer”, or “conquering”  can be a great choice of word when you want to suggest achieving a specific goal with triumph. Here's an example:

Using “success”:

Successfuly increased quarterly sales by 25% by collaborating with the marketing department.

Using “conquer”:

Collaborated with the marketing department, conquering a 25% increase in quarterly sales.

“Conquer” focuses more on winning and is suitable for roles that require competitive achievements.

4. Using “triumph” as another word for “success”:

Another Word For Success - Triumph

“Triumph” is a great synonym for “success” when you want to showcase great victories. Here's an example:

Using “success”:

Proven success in team-building in marketing and sales, helping achieve a 50% increase in revenue over two years.

Using “triumph”:

Proven triumph in team-building in marketing and sales, helping achieve a 50% increase in revenue over two years.

“Triumph” emphasizes a great victory, conveying the idea of overcoming challenges.

5. Using “prosperity” as another word for “success”:

Another Word For Success - Prosperity

“Prosperity” can be a good synonym for conveying growth and wealth. Here's an example:

Using “success”:

Success in crafting marketing strategies, helping achieve 20% growth in market share.

Using “prosperity”:

Prosperity in crafting marketing strategies, helping achieve 20% growth in market share.

“Prosperity” implies growth and wealth, highlighting the positive outcomes of your efforts.

6. Using “fulfillment” as another word for “success”:

Another Word For Success - Fulfillment

“Fulfillment”, or “fulfilling”, is a great synonym to describe roles that require satisfaction and completion. Here's an example:

Using “success”:

Success in crafting customer service protocols that reduce complaints by 15%.

Using “fulfillment”:

Crafted customer service protocols, fulfilling a 15% reduction in complaints.

“Fulfillment” conveys a strong sense of satisfaction and completion.

7. Using “attainment” as another word for “success”:

Another Word For Success - Attainment

“Attainment”, or “attaining”, is a versatile synonym for “success” that suits many roles. Here's an example:

Using “success”:

Created successful campaings that increased brand visibility by 200%.

Using “attainment”:

Created successful capaings, attaining a 200% increase in brand visibility.

“Attainment” implies reaching a goal, suitable for roles requiring determination.

8. Using “advancement” as another word for “success”:

Another Word For Success - Advancement

“Advancement”, or “advanced”, is suitable for roles that involve progress and growth. Here's an example:

Using “success”: 

Success in developing new inventory management systems that decrease costs by 20%.

Using “advancement”: 

Advanced in developing new inventory management systems that decreased costs by 20%.

“Advancement” highlights progress and growth, suitable for roles that require development.

9. Using “realization” as another word for “success”:

Another Word For Success - Realization

“Realization” is great for roles that focus on bringing goals to fruition. Here's an example:

Using “success”: 

Success in enhancing the company’s web portal, boosting user time on site by 50%.

Using “realization”:

Realization of the company’s web portal enhancments, boosting user time on site by 50%.

“Realization” specifically highlights achieving goals, suggesting a focus on successful outcomes.

10. Using “completion” as another word for “success”:

Another Word For Success - Completion

“Completion” can be a great synonym for “success” for roles involving finishing tasks and goals.

Using “success”: 

Success in orchestrating the merger of two departments, which led to a 30% increase in operational efficiency.

Using “completion”: 

Completion in orchestrating the merger of two departments, which led to a 30% increase in operational efficiency.

In this context, “completion” implies finishing tasks and goals, enhancing the perception of diligence.

Want To Take Your Resume Writing To The Next Level?

Writing a resume isn't just about listing your work experience, education, and skills. You need to sell it!

This means you'll need to craft compelling resume bullets that really grab the recruiters' attention.

Sure, you could go with something like: Marketing Manager with 10+ years of experience. 

Or, you could go with something like this:

Marketing Manager with 10+ years of experience crafting compelling B2B campaigns that increased brand recognition by 25%.

Much better, right?

That's because I used a secret formula that includes a reasonable amount of hard and soft skills, action words, measurable results, and common words:

The Anatomy Of A Highly Effective Resume Bullet

You can use to scan, score, and upgrade your resume bullets in a few seconds. Here's what I scored for the resume bullet above:

Marketing Manager Resume Bullet

To scan and improve your resume bullet, simply head over to or copy and paste your resume bullet below:

Free Resume Bullet Analyzer

Learn to write crazy effective resume bullets that grab attention, illustrate value, and actually get results.

Copy and paste your resume bullet to begin analysis:
Click To Analyze!

Aim at a >60 score, and you'll be good to go!

Not sure what metrics to include in your resume? This post from Austin's LinkedIn brings 5 ways you can uncover metrics for any role:

To recap, here's a video that walks through the entire process of writing a job-winning resume bullet:

Taking Your Resume To The Next Level: Final Steps

Finding the right words for your resume can go a long way when you're applying online. Not only do you want to use compelling language, but you also want your resume to get past ATS filters. To do this, you'll need to match the keywords in your resume with the ones in the target job description.

The best way to do this is by using a resume scanner like to scan and score your resume with your target job in just a few clicks. Simply upload your resume and paste the job description below:

Step 1

Copy/paste or upload your resume here:

Click here to paste text


Upload a PDF, Word Doc, or TXT File

Step 2

Paste the job post's details here:

Step 3

Scan to compare and score your resume vs the job's description.

Or see a sample resume scan

If you're a visual learner, here's a video walking through the entire process so you can follow along:

After you've optimized your resume with the right keywords, how about ramping it up with a job-winning resume template? Pick one of the templates below from to get started:

Free Job-Winning Resume Templates, Build Yours In No Time.

Choose a resume template below to get started:

Key Takeaways To Writing a Job-Winning Resume

Now that we've gone through the best synonyms for “success” to put in your resume, here are my  final takeaways for writing a job-winning resume:

  1. Review every instance of “success” in your resume
  2. Review the list of synonyms in this article and update your resume so you don't have more than 2-3 instances of “success”
  3. Run each of your resume bullets through and make sure they score >60
  4. Run your entire resume through and make sure it's optimized for the roles you are targeting
  5. Ramp up your resume with one of our job-winning resume templates from

Follow these steps, and you'll surely end with a job-winning resume!

Good luck out there!

Paula Martins

Paula is Cultivated Culture's amazing Editor and Content Manager. Her background is in journalism and she's transitioned from roles in education, to tech, to finance, and more. She blends her journalism background with her job search experience to share advice aimed at helping people like you land jobs they love without applying online.



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