Is Your LinkedIn Header Coasting You Jobs? Click To Get Your Free Headline Score
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30 Jan 2024 Austin Belcak

How To Write A Crazy Effective LinkedIn Headline [28+ Examples]

Want a simple way to increase the visibility of your LinkedIn profile, land more job interviews, and generate more leads?

Look no further than your LinkedIn headline.

Your headline is one of the most visible parts of your LinkedIn profile and it's a huge factor in that person's decision to reach out to you or move on to the next person.

It's also a major factor in LinkedIn's search algorithm. Headlines carry a lot of weight when the platform is deciding which profiles to serve up for different queries. Optimized headlines = more searches, more searches = more views, and more views = more opportunities and deals.

If you've read this far, you probably know that your LinkedIn headline is important. But you're also wondering how you should be optimizing it, what you're supposed to be doing.

In this post, I'm going to show you exactly how to write a crazy effective LinkedIn headline that will get you more visibility, more job interviews, and more qualified leads.

We'll specifically cover:

We'll start with the basics — choosing the right headline for your situation, but first…

Who Am I To Give LinkedIn Advice?

That's a good question!

There are TONS of career coaches and “gurus” offering LinkedIn advice, why should you care what I have to say?

If you're a job seeker, I've coached thousands of other people and my strategies have helped them land jobs at places like Google, Amazon, Salesforce, Goldman Sachs, Tesla, and more.

If you're an entrepreneur, I've used LinkedIn to build a thriving, highly profitable business where I do zero outbound promotion. All of my leads come from people reaching out to me, and my headline is the main reason they do.

On top of that, I started with 3,000 followers on the platform and grew to 100,000+ in 12 months. Now I have an audience of 1.2+ million followers on LinkedIn and I've helped tens of thousands of people land jobs they love and start profitable businesses using the platform.

Don't just take my word for it! Here's a quick snapshot of my profile activity  so you  can check it out:Austin Belcak LinkedIn Profile Analytics

If you're tired of fluffy advice that tells you what to do, but not how to do it, you're in the right place.

This post is a full, comprehensive breakdown of the step-by-step framework I use to help people achieve the results I mentioned above.

There Are 2 Types Of LinkedIn Headlines You Should Be Utilizing

When we boil it down to the basics, your LinkedIn headline is going to help you do two things:

  1. 1Show up in LinkedIn searches performed by recruiters, prospects, etc. via keywords
  2. 2Sell yourself, your value, and/or your services once people are on your profile

1. LinkedIn Headline for Job Seekers

If you're a job seeker and/or a passive user on the platform (meaning you don't do much posting, commenting, etc.), your headline needs to cover both of those bases.

2. Sales LinkedIn Headline

If you already have a presence on LinkedIn, (or you're doing a lot of cold outreach) and you're generating consistent profile views, you want to focus on this type of headline.

We're going to talk through strategies, helpful tips, and headline examples for both. But first, I want to talk about some mistakes that many people make with their LinkedIn headline that's costing them opportunities.

Avoid These 2 LinkedIn Headline Mistakes

Before we jump into the meat of things, I want to highlight some mistakes that I see a LOT of people making on LinkedIn.

I'm putting these mistakes at the top of the article so you don't go through all of the exercises below and still have a glaring issue that's going to keep you from seeing the results you want.

LinkedIn Headline Mistake #1:

Only mentioning your current job title and/or company.

Why It's Bad: This is the most common type of headline. It does nothing to sell your value or differentiate you from the competition. When someone searches for [Job Title] and they see 15+ people will the exact same headline, why would they pick you out of the crowd?

LinkedIn gives you 120 characters for your headline, you want to use as much of it as possible to include keywords and sell yourself!

Example Of This Mistake:

LinkedIn Headline Mistake - Only Mentioning Your Job Title

LinkedIn Headline Mistake #2:

Pay close attention to this advice, because it is a clear example of what you shouldn't put in your LinkedIn headline. Avoid writing anything like “Seeking Opportunities,” “Looking For New Opportunities,” or “Currently Unemployed.”

Why It's Bad: First, you're killing your visibility. No company or prospect is out there searching for people who are “seeking opportunities.” You're wasting valuable space on keywords with no volume.

Second, there is nothing compelling or inspiring about “Seeking New Opportunities.” You can let companies know you're actively seeking new opportunities by using LinkedIn's Open Candidates feature.

Then you can leverage your headline to showcase your past experience and the things you've been doing to continue honing your skills.

Example Of This Mistake:

LinkedIn Headline Mistake - Actively Seeking Opportunities

Awesome! Now that we're done with the negative stuff, let's move on to the strategies and tips that will help transform your headline into an opportunity generating machine.

Score Your LinkedIn Headline To See How It Stacks Up

Before you start making changes, you need to know what you're working with.

Is your headline good? Is it bad? What specific changes does it need to be better?

To help solve this, I built a free tool called that will scan and score your LinkedIn headline.

Our scoring methodology is based criteria we selected from thousands of data points across our coaching clients and audience with one goal in mind: getting you more search visibility, profile views, and job opportunities.

The best part is, you'll get your score and personalized feedback in under 5 seconds. Here's how it works:

Step #1: Copy Your LinkedIn Headline From Your Profile

First, head over to your LinkedIn profile and copy your headline.

Step #2: Paste Your Headline Into And Run A Scan

Next, head over to, paste in your headline, and hit the “Analyze” button. If you've already got your headline ready to go, you paste it into this widget and run the scan right from this post:

FREE LinkedIn Headline Analyzer

Learn how to write a crazy effective LinkedIn Headline that will help you generate more job interviews.

Paste your LinkedIn Headline to begin:

Click To Analyze!

Step #3: Review Your Score And The Feedback For Your Headline

When you hit “Analyze,” the tool is going to parse your headline and compare it to our ideal headline formula and the specific criteria our data has shown to drive the results you're looking for:Example of Bad LinkedIn Headline Score -

The initial results give you a high-level view of where you might need to improve. If you want more specificity around each factor, keep scrolling down the results page. We break down each section in detail to give you personalized recommendations.

Step #4: Revise And Re-Scan Your Headline

Once you've digested the feedback, go ahead and incorporate it into your headline. Then head back to the tool and scan it again. Rinse and repeat until you get a score of 70+ and have the green light:

Example of Great LinkedIn Headline Score -

Simple, right? Not so fast.

A tool like this is super helpful. But if you truly want to stand out on LinkedIn and get the results you're looking for, you need to dig deeper.

Your specific goals on LinkedIn will change how you should write your headline. Simply implementing strategies with no concept of why they're important or why they work means you're going to lose out to people who do. is a great place to get a benchmark. But if you truly want to write a crazy effective headline? You need to go deeper.

Let's go there together, starting with what great headlines look like for Job Seekers and Sales-Focused Professionals (salespeople, recruiters, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, etc).

If you're a job seeker, this next section is for you. If you're writing a sales-focused headline, keep scrolling down to the section titled LinkedIn Headlines For Entrepreneurs & Thought Leaders:

LinkedIn Headlines Examples For Job Seekers

Most job seekers leverage LinkedIn as a platform for finding jobs and connecting with potential contacts.

On the flip side, 95% of employers use LinkedIn to find and vet potential candidates.

If you want to get an edge over the competition, you need a headline that includes keywords to help you show up in searches AND does a great job at selling the value that you bring to the table.

Here's a 2-Part Formula I Like To Use For Job Seekers:

LinkedIn Headline Formula For Job Seekers [Infographic]

Part 1: Keyword Filled Overview

The first part of your LinkedIn headline should be a keyword-filled overview of your role and responsibilities.

You should aim to include 3-8 keywords/phrases that match what employers are searching for (more on that in a sec!).

The second part of your headline should be an illustration of the value you bring to the table, including measurable metrics and results. This is where you talk about things like exceeding quota, increasing site traffic, eliminating wasted spend, improving processes, your company's revenue/user base, etc. Anything that provides a tangible illustration of what you bring to the table!

Let's start with the first piece – keywords.

This video will teach you exactly what headline keywords are and how to find the right ones for your situation (don't worry, we'll be breaking it down in writing too!):

What Are LinkedIn Keywords And Why Should You Care?

At the end of the day, LinkedIn is a search engine just like Google, YouTube, or Amazon.

When people are looking for something on LinkedIn, they type some words into the search box and LinkedIn serves up results it believes are the most relevant.

But how does LinkedIn decide what's relevant and what shows up first? Keywords are one of the biggest factors.

If a recruiter types “Product Manager Healthcare” in the search bar, LinkedIn is going to show profiles of people who have the words “Product Manager” and “Healthcare” (along with other criteria) in their profile.

In this case, both “Product Manager” and “Healthcare” would be keywords.

The people who show up at the top of the search results typically mention those keywords frequently in their profile and have them included in specific areas that carry more weight, like their LinkedIn headline.

If you want to show up in more searches, you need to have the right keywords in your LinkedIn headline.

How To Choose The Right Keywords For Your LinkedIn Headline

Your headline actually carries most of the weight when it comes to your profile's ability to show up in searches and get more visibility.

LinkedIn is tricky because, unlike a resume, we can't tailor our profile for each specific role we want. Your profile needs to be set up so that it captures a range of opportunities without being too general!

The good news is, there's a formula that will help you figure out exactly what keywords you need to include in your LinkedIn headline:

Step #1: Find Jobs You're Interested In

Your first step is to head over to LinkedIn's Job Board and run a search like you would if you were looking for your next role.

Make sure you're applying filters (like level of experience, geography, industry, etc.) so you're dialed into roles that you like. For the sake of example, we'll look at Digital Sales roles. It's a simple example, but it'll do the trick to show you the process:

Screenshot of LinkedIn Job Board

Sift through the search results and pick out the roles you're genuinely interested in. Don't worry about specific qualifications or the job descriptions right now other than the feeling of, “I'd enjoy working in this job if it were offered to me.”

Step #2: Aggregate The Job Titles For Your Target Roles

While you're searching through a job board, open up a Google Sheet in another tab. And when you come across a job that you're genuinely interested in, highlight the job title, copy it, and paste it into your Google Sheet.

I've created a free template that you can use right here. Just make sure to right click and hit “Add To My Drive” to edit.

Rinse and repeat until you have at least 30 job titles in your doc:

Keyword Research For LinkedIn Headline

Step #3: Find The Most Common Keywords

Awesome! Now you've got 30+ job titles for roles you're interested in.

The next step is to figure out which words and phrases appear most frequently across all of those headlines. Those keywords are going to be the ones that recruiters are using to find new candidates.

Here's how it's done:

First, head over to and select the Job Description Scan option from the Scan Type dropdown menu:ResyMatch - How To Locate Job Description Scanner For LinkedIn Keywords

Next, copy all of the content from every single job description you saved and paste it all into the field on the left. Then hit Start Job Description Scan:ResyMatch - How To Run Job Description Scan For Keywords

ResyMatch is going to scan all of the data from every single job description. Then it's going to identify the skills and keywords that appear most frequently across all of the descriptions you shared. Since these job descriptions align with the roles that you're targeting, the top 3-5 keywords are the ones we want to focus on.

Here's an example of the scan results for a UX Designer position based on 10 job descriptions:Keywords For UX Designer LinkedIn Summary

The top keywords from my scan data are:

76 – design

61 – product

41 – UI

31 – research

30 – UX

Based on that data, I want to prioritize the top 3 keywords and do my best to include the top 5 in my LinkedIn headline. In this case, I definitely want to make sure “Design,” “Product,” and “UI” are there and I want to do my best to weave in “Research” and “UX” as well.

Part 2: Use Your Headline To Illustrate Your Value & Stand Out

The second half of your headline should be focused on a “mini-pitch” that illustrates your value and accomplishments (using action words to include real numbers and results)!

This is a powerful strategy for a few reasons.

First, adding measurable metrics to your LinkedIn headline amplifies its value in a few ways:

  1. 1They Give You Instant Credibility: Numbers offer concrete evidence of your accomplishments. Instead of just stating you're “experienced” or “effective,” metrics validate those claims, offering a quick snapshot of your tangible contributions.
  2. 2They Help You Stand Out from the Crowd: The professional landscape on LinkedIn is saturated. By quantifying your achievements, you differentiate yourself from others who may have similar roles or titles but haven't showcased the direct results of their efforts.
  3. 3They Set Clear Expectations: Metrics paint a clearer picture of what you bring to the table. Potential employers can gauge the scale of your previous roles and the impact you might bring to their organization.
  4. 4They Enhance Retention: Numbers, by nature, are memorable. A headline claiming a “20% increase in sales” or “management of a $5M project” is more likely to stick in someone's mind compared to generic descriptions.
  5. 5They Facilitate Conversation: When your headline includes specific metrics, it piques curiosity. This can act as a conversation starter, with potential employers or partners wanting to learn more about the context or story behind those numbers.

Second, everyone else is using the exact same (boring, ineffective) headline formula!

Take a look at these LinkedIn headline examples for developers when I search for a specific title, like “Software Engineer”:

Screenshot of LinkedIn search results showing everyone using the same LinkedIn Headline

If I'm running this search, the only thing that's differentiating one person from another is the company they work at. You don't want to rely on your company's brand, and you don't want to lose out on a click to someone else's company either!

Imagine if there was another person in here who had a headline that said something like:

Software Engineer @ Snap | Building AI That's Boosted User Retention By 789%.

Now, that's interesting! And it would definitely stand out in a sea of other people with “Software Engineer at [Company]” titles.

That's what we're aiming to do on the back end of our LinkedIn headline. You want to use this space to drive home the results you've achieved and illustrate your value in a tangible way.

I know it's not always easy to come up with measurable metrics for every industry, so I put together some headline examples to give you a few ideas:

Examples of Measurable Metrics For Your LinkedIn Headline

Sales: Quota Attainment, Average Deal Size, Revenue Closed, etc.

Software Engineer: Users Acquired, User Retention, Conversion Rates, Sell Through Rates, Reliability, Efficiency Metrics, etc.

Graphic Designer: Think about why your graphics are used for an extrapolate. Did you illustrate a blog post image? How many shares did it get? Did you mock up creative for a Facebook Ad? How many clicks did it get — how many sales did it drive?

Teacher: Feedback From Students (you can compare to other teachers if you have the data), Student Test Scores, etc.

The results in your profile should be used to hook the reader and say, “Hey! This is the kind of value you can expect from me.”

The keywords we found earlier will help you appear in searches, and the “mini-pitch” will turn those eyeballs into clicks and opportunities.

Examples Of LinkedIn Headlines That Combine Keywords & Value

To wrap this section up, I want to show you a few LinkedIn headline examples for job seekers that combine both of the principles above.

Example #1: LinkedIn Headline Example for Data Scientist

Let's say you're a Data Scientist looking for a job in the healthcare space. You ran your job descriptions through ResyMatch, and here's what you got:

Keywords: Data Science, Data Scientist, Healthcare, Big Data, Readmission, Patients

Here's an example of a LinkedIn headline you might use:

LinkedIn Headline Example: Data Science | Healthcare | Using Big Data To Reduce Hospital Readmission Rates By 17% Across 2.5M Patients


Example #2: LinkedIn Headline Example for Marketing Managers

Now let's say you're a Marketing Manager in the SaaS space and you're ready for a new gig. You ran your target job descriptions through ResyMatch and come up with:

Keywords: Marketing, SaaS, Apps, Growth, Users

Here's a potential LinkedIn headline you might come up with for that:

Job Seeker Headline Formula #2


Example #3: LinkedIn Headline Example for Executive Assistants

If you're an Executive Assistant looking for a new role, there's lots of ways you can show your value. You ran your job descriptions through ResyMatch and came up with these keywords.

Keywords: Executive, Leadership, Stakeholders, Management, Relationships

Here's an example of a LinkedIn headline you might use:

LinkedIn Headline Example Executive Assistant

Example #4: LinkedIn Headline Example for Project Managers

In this example, let's say you're a Project Manager looking to work in the product development space. You've done your keyword research and ended up with the following keywords.

Keywords: Project, Product, Development, Cross-functional, Team(s)

Here's an example of a LinkedIn headline you might use:

LinkedIn Headline Example Project Manager

Example #5: LinkedIn Headline Example for Teachers

In this example, let's say you're a Teacher looking to make the transition into another role in education that's more focused on curriculum development. You've done your keyword research and ended up with the following keywords.

Keywords: Teacher, Curriculum Development, Classroom Engagement

Here's an example of a LinkedIn headline you might use:LinkedIn Headline Example For Teacher

Example #6: LinkedIn Headline Example for Salespeople

Now let's imagine you are looking for an opportunity as a mid-senior Salesperson. You've done your keyword research and ended up with the following keywords.

Keywords: Sales, Hubspot, Salesforce, Marketing, Product, Management

Here's an example of a LinkedIn headline you might use:

LinkedIn Headline Example For Salesperson

Example #7: LinkedIn Headline Example for HR Managers

Imagine you are an HR Manager focusing on employee retention and development. You've done your keyword research and ended up with the following keywords.

Keywords: HR, Management, Communication, Development

Here's an example of a LinkedIn headline you might use:

LinkedIn Headline Example For HR Manager

Example #8: LinkedIn Headline Example for Customer Service

Let's say you are searching for a new opportunity in Customer Service. You've done your keyword research and ended up with the following keywords.

Keywords: Customer Service, ZenDesk, Intercom, Communication, Data, Product

Here's an example of a LinkedIn headline you might use:

LinkedIn Headline Example For Customer Service Specialist

Example #9: LinkedIn Headline Example for Business Development Manager

Let's imagine you are a Business Development Manager looking for a new opportunity. You've done your keyword research and ended up with the following keywords.

Keywords: Business Development, Sales, Salesforce, Marketing, Communication

Here's an example of a LinkedIn headline you might use:

LinkedIn Headline Example For Business Development Manager

Example #10: LinkedIn Headline Example for Developers

Let's say you are a Developer on the market for a new opportunity. You've done your keyword research and ended up with the following keywords.

Keywords: Software Engineer, Python, React, SQL, Product, Development

Here's an example of a LinkedIn headline you might use:

LinkedIn Headline Example For Developers

All of these headline examples front-load keywords and drive home value. Aim for that when you're writing your own headline!

LinkedIn Headlines For Entrepreneurs & Thought Leaders

The formula I covered in the last section is great if you're someone who wants to be found by potential employers or prospects.

But some of you may already have a presence on LinkedIn. The problem is that people are finding your profile but they're not taking action.

If that's the case, we don't want to optimize our headline for search visibility, we want to use every single character to sell the reader on your value and your services.

Take my headline for example:

Austin Belcak LinkedIn Headline Example

I don't have any keywords about “career coaching” or “resume writing.” I just searched for “career coach” on LinkedIn and 826,000 people showed up.

That's a lot of competition! My chances of showing up high enough to get clicked on is low.

So instead of competing, I use that space to focus on my own unique value: “I Help People Land Amazing Jobs Without Applying Online.”

Then, I include a call to action to get the reader interested in learning more. If someone is fed up with the online application process and they see my headline, I'm likely getting a click from them, and they're probably going to read my about section as well.

If you're already getting profile views, this is what you should aim for!

Step 1: Define Your Unique Value

The easiest way to do this is to start by asking yourself a simple question:

“I help people __________________ and my approach is different because __________________.”

If you fill in the blanks, that should give you a starting point for your headline. Going back to my example above, I would say:

“I help people land jobs they love and my approach is different because I teach them how to do it without submitting a single online application.”

I start with the value — the end goal.

People want to land jobs, plain and simple. If that job ends up being something that they really enjoy and that pays them well, even better!

I know that people hate the online application process. I also know that a lot of other career coaches offer services that focus on the online application process (writing resumes, etc.). By saying that I'll help someone land a job without applying online, I'm differentiating myself.

How does this apply to your situation and offerings?

Step 2: Ask Your Audience To Define It For You

After you've come up with your perspective, it's time to get a second opinion. Who better to ask than the people you're trying to convince?

You can set this up in 5 minutes and the results will be absolutely worth it:

  1. 1Go to Google Forms and create a new form
  2. 2Add the first question, “what have I helped you the most with when it comes to [Insert Field]?”
  3. 3Add the second question, “what is unique/different about my advice?”
  4. 4Save!

Now send that survey to your audience. You can either write a post about it, send an email blast about it, or hand pick people from your audience and life that you know will respond.

Work to get a decent sample size, at least 20 people if you can. Then check out the results!

Look to see which sentiments, words, and phrases appear most frequently. If there's a common theme, that's what you want to include in your headline.

The good news is, the questions you're asking are going to have thing headline writing itself!

Headline Examples & Tips: The Good, The Bad, & The Super Creative

Now that you know the secret sauce behind writing a killer LinkedIn headline, let's look at a few examples of these methods in action.

We're going to cover off on a spectrum of headlines from professionals, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, students, and people who are unemployed.

LinkedIn Headline Examples When You're Unemployed

I wanted to start with headline examples for people who are unemployed, because this is something a lot of people struggle with.

What do you say when you're between jobs? What do you say when you've had a gap in your work history because you left to be a stay at home mom, or had some health/personal issues, etc.?

As I mentioned before, the biggest mistake you can make is turning that situation into the focal point of your headline.

You really need to avoid things like:

  • Seeking New Opportunities
  • Open To Transition
  • Seeking Summer Internships
  • Actively Looking For Project Manager Roles

When you use these phrases, you're wasting valuable space!

Nobody out there is searching for people who are “looking for new opportunities,” they're searching for people with skills who can help them achieve their goals.

And nobody is dropping everything to read more about someone who is “seeking summer internships.”

Instead, you want to focus in on the skills you DO have – the things you bring to the table. Show me what you've been working on and how you put yourself in a position to make the jump back into your target role.

Focus on answering these questions:

  • What is your background focused in?
  • What courses have you been taking?
  • What have you been certified in?
  • What education / projects are you working on?

For example, if you're unemployed and you want to be a Graphic Designer, talk to me about the courses you've been taking to improve your skills and show me the portfolio you've been working on since your last job!

Here's a LinkedIn headline example for that:

Unemployed Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer | Motion Animation | I Help Companies Create Images That Lead To More Conversions & Sales

Or, let's say you were laid off as a Graphic Designer and you want to transition into a Paid Marketing Manager position:

Unemployed Marketing Manager

Digital Marketer | PPC, SEM, Facebook Ads | Google Ads & Analytics Certified | I Help Companies Scale Their Lead Gen With Low CPAs

This headline hits on major keywords, it shows that the person has worked to get certified, and it tells me what this person specializes in.

Much better than “Looking to transition into a marketing role!”

LinkedIn Headline Examples For Professionals

Now let's take a look at some awesome headlines from professionals who are out there making it happen.

Example of Professional LinkedIn Headline with call to action

Matt Loggins is kicking us off with a fantastic example of a LinkedIn headline that checks all of the boxes.

Matt leads off with some targeted keywords and his current title. Then he continues adding value with tangible results, followed by a CTA to read more.

I love this setup because Matt delivers social proof with his line on increasing monthly “…recurring revenue to $100k+” and pushes people to reach out if that resonates with them. I use a similar setup in my headline and it works incredibly well.

Most job seekers/professionals aren't leveraging this CTA tactic and I would highly recommend it!

LinkedIn Headline For Professionals Example #1

This is another great example of our framework in action! This headline is marketing-focused and it follows a fantastic flow of:

  • Relevant keywords up front and throughout (Omnichannel, marketing, media strategy, etc.)
  • Establishing credibility with their experience
  • Pitching exactly what they bring to the table — proven strategies and flawless execution

That is going to jump off the page!

I would suggest one improvement here — this person works at Facebook which carries a lot of brand authority. I would try to work that in here, “Omni-Channel Marketing Lead at Facebook…” for example.

LinkedIn Headline For Professionals Example #2

Here's another great example of our framework in action. This headline is jam-packed with searchable keywords (Social Media Editor, Content, Digital Strategy, etc.).

This person also does a great job of recognizing their brand authority by including the New York Post in their headline.

Finally, they close things out with a statement about the exact value they bring to the table — connecting brands with people! That's awesome.

LinkedIn Headline For Professionals Example #3

This example may look familiar and you already know how I'm going to lead it off! This headline does a great job of using keywords and brand awareness.

What sets it apart is that this person's pitch includes a number. A lot of people can say “solving problems at scale” but how many can say that scale is 170 million members? That's crazy! And it immediately gives the reader a sense of the types of projects this person works on / is trusted with.

LinkedIn Headline Examples for Career Changers

In case you’re looking for a career change, you can still leverage your LinkedIn headline with the experience you bring in from your previous role and the results you’ve driven in your current role so far. Here are a few examples to inspire you: 

Legal Professional Going Into Sales: 

Legal Professional Advancing into Sales | Drove 150% Revenue Increase in Legal Tech Solutions | Skilled Negotiator and Relationship Builder

Notice how this headline emphasizes their revenue increase in a specific niche, leveraging their legal expertise and highlighting their talents in negotiation and relationship building!

From Customer Service to Human Resources: 

Customer Service Evolving into HR | Enhanced Employee Satisfaction by 30% through Targeted Initiatives | Expert in Relationship Management and Team Motivation

This headline fits perfectly for someone moving from customer service to HR, as it aligns their measurable results in employee satisfaction with HR’s core responsibilities.

And what if you don’t have experience with your new career? 

No problem! You can still add value by emphasizing other relevant skills and experiences, such as certifications, volunteer work, side projects, and so on. Here are a couple of examples: 

Going From Nursing to Marketing:

Former Nurse Pivoting to Marketing | Certified in Digital Marketing & SEO | Amplified Non-Profit Visibility by 150% through Targeted Campaigns

This headline was designed for a nurse moving into marketing with no traditional marketing experience. Notice how they highlighted certifications relevant to the field and closed with a high-value pitch showcasing their results with non-profit volunteer work! 

Switching From Accountant To Software Engineer:

From Accountant to Software Engineer | Certified in Python & Data Structures | Increased Efficiency by 40% with Java-Based Financial Analysis Automation

This headline emphasized the certifications in Python and data structures, while also quantifying the impact of the developed Java-based tools. This showcases tangible results, even without traditional experience in a software engineer role.

LinkedIn Headline Examples For Entrepreneurs

And here are some entrepreneurs / thought leaders who are taking the LinkedIn headline game to the next level.

LinkedIn Headline Example For Entrepreneurs - Justin Welsh

Justin's headline is a great example of using our “I Help You” formula to the max.

If he had to fill in the blank, he'd say “I help SMD SaaS founders accelerate their revenue and I'm different because I have a proven track record of helping them break through the ceiling of $50M ARR.”

Justin's content is targeted at founders and salespeople. If any of them come to his profile, they know exactly what he delivers.

LinkedIn Headline Example For Entrepreneurs: I turn founders & executives into LinkedIn video creators | PM me to learn more! | & FOLLOW ME for more content!

Shay Rowbottom isn't messing around either.

I love her headline because the value is clear — if you're a founder, executive, or thought leader and you want to get better at the video side of LinkedIn and social media, Shay is your person.

On top of that, Shay includes a few CTAs (call to actions) in her headline. If you're curious about how she helps people become video creators, send her a PM. If you like the content she posts, follow her to make sure you don't miss any of it.

If you're an entrepreneur or thought leader on LinkedIn, I always recommend including CTAs if you have room. I do this in my profile, and it's what drives the majority of my inbound coaching leads and traffic to my site.

LinkedIn Headline For Entrepreneurs Example #3

Jena Viviano's headline is awesome because she uses it to speak to her audience and tell them exactly what she can deliver.

She's focused on women, and she knows how to help them get six figure jobs (kudos to her for using the $100,000 figure instead of writing it out – it's eye catching!).

If you're an entrepreneur or thought leader, you need to know your audience – and your LinkedIn headline should speak directly to them. Address a pain point, share results, and make it about them.

LinkedIn Headline Examples For Students or Recent Graduates

Finally, let's close out with some examples of students who are doing a great job of branding themselves with their LinkedIn headline.

LinkedIn Headline Example For Students

Adrian Lauderdale is kicking off our student section here.

He does a great job of showcasing a wide range of projects and activities he's involved with that cover the professional world (August United, LinkedIn, and ASU's chapter of the AMA) as well as collegiate (AdWorks).

I love Adrian's headline because he's a marketing guy and his headline is consistent and on-brand.

He's working on a BS in Marketing. He works on AdWorks, ASU's student-run advertising agency that partners with local agencies. He's a LinkedIn Campus Editor. And, outside of school, he works at August United (a full-service influencer marketing agency).

One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to stuff too many unrelated topics into their headlines. Figure out what you're good at, what you want to do, and make sure your messaging is laser-focused.

LinkedIn Headline Example #3 For Software Engineering Students

Rajshri's headline is a fantastic example of how you can set yourself apart from the competition.

First, she is upfront about her degree and graduation date. Companies want to know when you'll be able to start and what type of role you're looking for (full-time, internship, etc.). Listing this in your headline gives them that info right away.

Next, she included a ton of searchable keywords here (Software Engineer, Full Stack, Java, Data Analyst). Those are going to help Rajshri show up in more searches and get in front of more recruiters!

LinkedIn Headline Example #2 For Students

When you're a student, you want to let employers know what you're interested in doing and what you're passionate about. Like I mentioned above, try to be laser-focused and clear.

Christian's headline does a great job of telling us what he has his sights set on — a future in Supply Chain. He's specifically studying that field, and he's pasted his goal right there in his headline.

He's also differentiating himself with his Marine Corps experience. That conveys specific values around leadership and discipline, but you don't have to be a Marine to do that. Anything you can mention around leadership activities and extracurriculars is going to make a difference.

Next Steps: Updating The Rest of Your LinkedIn Profile

At this point, you should have a clear understanding of what a great LinkedIn headline looks like and how you should go about upgrading yours.

But headlines are only one part of the full LinkedIn profile optimization. If you want to tap into the full potential that your profile can offer, you'll want to make some upgrades to your profile picture, your cover photo, your About section, and the rest of your profile as well.

The good news is, I made it easy for you!

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile:

You can click here to check out my 8,000+ word guide on optimizing every single part of your LinkedIn profile.

Still Have Questions?

Everyone's situation is unique – their career, their business, their environment, and their goals.

If you have specific questions about your headline and your situation, scroll down and drop a comment below!

Finally, if you know of an awesome LinkedIn headline that should be in here, let me know! This list is going to be expanded and updated as the market changes.

📚 Want More LinkedIn Advice? Check Out Our Guide: How To Use LinkedIn For A Job In 2024 [Free Guides & Tools]

Austin Belcak

Austin is the founder of Cultivated Culture where he helps people land jobs without connections, without traditional experience, and without applying online. His strategies have been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, & Fast Company and has helped people just like you land jobs at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, & more.

55 thoughts on How To Write A Crazy Effective LinkedIn Headline [28+ Examples]
  1. Emma says:

    Hi Austin! I’m looking for suggestions for an entry-level Human Resources headline. I love the examples you gave but am having trouble translating those into my experience. Any assistance or additional examples you could provide would be greatly appreciated!

    1. For sure Emma! I’ll make you a deal. Run through the steps in this post and come up with 3 headline examples. Then you can either share them here or message them to me and I’ll give you some feedback!

  2. Arbaz Surti says:

    Great great article, Austin ! One of your best yet ! Love how you break it down to actually have us be able to DO it.

    1. I appreciate that Arbaz! It’s no fun when people just tell you what to do and not how to do it. I’m glad it was helpful!

  3. Atif says:

    Hello Austin ! Every sentence was a learning for me. I never heard of wordclouds and now I am so excited to use it to know the key words with the maximum frequency on search results.

    Among others, the major takeaways for me from this enriching post of yours would be :
    A)Writing the keywords that are based on pure quantitative results through wordclouds.
    B) I help thing. It does talk about value creation. That’s the deliverables. Amazing.
    C) Further,the quantification of what value you create in Point B is surely an eye catcher.

    The best part is you have supported all points with data/metrics.It’s very scientific and data driven. That’s awesome !

    Finally, I will be happy if you can cite one or two examples of a Human Resource Manager role please. It would be insightful I know.

    Thank you Austin. I love your this work of helping people. Keep it up.

    1. Awesome Atif, those are the exact takeaways I’d want you to have. For the HR headlines, why don’t you run through the steps in the post and then share a few examples that you came up with (either here or via an email) and I’ll give you some feedback!

  4. O says:

    This is what I came up with

    Cyber Security | Networking | Investigations | Forensics | Incident response |
    USMC Veteran

    Catch your eye that Im seeking a position in cyber security?

    1. Nice! That’s a great start — I’d love to see a quick “brands statement” or pitch at the end. If you had to answer the question “I help companies ______________.” What would you use to fill in the blank? That should be your branding statement at the end of the headline.

  5. Farid Dharamshi says:

    Hello Austin. What a great article above. Made some changes already. Very helpful. Hope to come across more of your hints / tips in searching for a new role.

    1. Thanks so much Farid! I’m super happy to hear it helped you out — there are plenty more on the site here. I’d definitely check out the blog, especially the post How To Get A Job Anywhere With No Connections as a starting point!

  6. Tracie Martin says:

    Hi Austin……thank you for this information. I am definitely going to work on this today and see if my profile views increase. I will keep you posted. Again, thank you!

    1. Awesome Tracie, keep us posted!

  7. Emma says:

    Hi again Austin – just following up on the entry-level HR headline. I’m thinking something along the lines of:

    “HR Administrator @ {Company Name} | Experienced with Workday | People Oriented”

    but I feel like it’s not specific enough. I think my main issue is not knowing what to highlight because I’m very early in my career and have limited experience. Any feedback or other tips you could share?

  8. Atif says:

    Agreed Austin. I will run the steps and do it as guided in your article.

    Going through the steps would certainly help me get a practical feel and also would help he identify where I stand in the competition.

    I must thank you for your quick reply here as well as in LinkedIn.

    God bless you !!

  9. Wangui says:

    I have learned a great deal from this article. What kind of a headline would you recommend for someone seeking a career change? Most of my experience has been in business development in the investment management field but I want to transition to the social impact space.

    1. Sure Wangui! How about you give the formula a shot and come up with a few examples, then I can give you feedback!

  10. Sam Patel says:

    Hey Austin

    Great read, very insightful and simple to understand.

    Here’s what I came up with,

    Director • Commercial • Events • Sales • Business Development • I Help Brands Improve Processes To Accelerate Revenue

    What do you think?


    1. I like it Sam! The only thing I’d say is, accelerate revenue by how much? Or to what? If you look at Justin’s example in the article, he talks about helping companies grow to $50M ARR. You could say you help companies accelerate from $X to $Y or something similar.

  11. Akin says:

    Thanks for the great content Austin. I’m in the process of changing fields, so how can I make the experience on my LinkedIn profile reflect the headline I create?

  12. Nova says:

    I am financial analyst. I have cleared all levels of CFA in one attempt but can’t write behind my name till I get title from CFA . I was in the junior Fed Cup tennis team of India and college team in US. Is this information important for headline?

    1. I would do some research and see if the CFA pops up in the roles you come across! I don’t think you need to include the Fed Cup piece in your headline but that’s a great add in another section of your profile.

  13. Kamlesh says:

    Thanks a lot Austin this article was just what I was looking for a headline for my LinkedIn. The simplicity and examples that you have provided in the article are easy to understand and implement.

    I have gone through your steps and developed a headline for me and would like to know your review on it

    Product Manager | Mobile Apps I Android | iOS | Mobile Product Manager | Technical Support Manager | E- Learning

    1. This is a good start Kamlesh! You’ve got a lot of good keywords in here. The only thing missing is your “pitch” at the end of the headline.

  14. YD says:

    Hi Austin,
    Thank you so much for this fantastic help and clear guidance!

    I am a Senior Executive Assistant specializing in supporting Presidents and C-Suite executives, a leader in my EA peer community. So I am hoping to polish my profile and grab more attention with this (top 5 keywords Executive/Assistant/President/Senior/Chief):

    Senior Executive Assistant – C-Suite | EA Advocate
    I help Presidents/Chief Officers focus on high-level deliverables and their organization’s strategic goals by adeptly streamlining their workflow, filtering distractions and giving them back the most valuable business commodity – time!

    1. I love it! You just might need to tweak it to make sure it fits in the character limits LinkedIn gives you.

  15. Himanshu says:

    Can you please give an example for Engineering candidates? Especially for Mechanical Design? It’s hard to quantify the results in $$ like sales guys..

    1. Measurable results don’t have to be dollars Himanshu — you can talk about improved efficiency, dollars saved, timelines/deadlines, performance metrics (how well your work performed vs. its predecessor or competition), etc. Those are just a few examples. With that in mind, try giving it a shot yourself and let me know!

  16. Natalie says:

    Hi Austin,

    I love how you teach and are happy to share such great tools! I’m excited to give it a try. I have a strong sales management background as well as training and recruiting. I will try your system. Could I message you once I come up with a few versions and get your expertise? Thanks for all your help!

    1. Of course you can Natalie! Thanks so much for reading 🙂

  17. Chris says:

    Hi Austin! Thank you . . . . very helpful and insightful website.
    I am wondering how you would present the situations below;
    1. Time gaps in working?
    2. Mom’s re-entering the workforce? Where you did nothing but take care of kids.
    3. And how to present going from an employee to a contractor then back again to wanting a to re-enter as an employee again?

    1. You got it Chris!

      #1 – You want to focus on what you did during that time to build up your skills and experience for the next role. Talk about courses you took, certifications you got, skills you built, projects you started, etc.

      #2 – The ideal case here would be leveraging what I said above, but if you haven’t had any time to take courses, etc. on top of raising a family then you should focus on the skills and experience you had before taking leave.

      #3 – You don’t need to mention this in your headline, you can just use the formulas mentioned in the article. If you have short stints as a contractor, I’d write [Contract] next to those roles on your LinkedIn and resume.

  18. Doug says:

    Austin – I love reading your posts. I have been applying for jobs in operations and sales. I have experience only in operations but have been exposed to sales my whole career…nature of my past employment. What do you recomend?

    1. Thanks so much Doug! Do you have a preference for sales or operations? They’re both fairly different fields so getting some clarity around which one you’d want to dive into will help you get more focused with your LinkedIn profile and your search.

  19. Aparna Aparna says:

    Hey Austin,
    I just dropped a comment and this message is continuation of the same.
    I tired my hands on making a headline. Im currently unemployed and also switching my career domain..
    Does the below headline seem generic?
    Machine Learning Engineer|Data Scientist|Data Analyst| Help companies make productive and profitable decisions with Data

    1. It’s not generic at all Aparna! The only thing I’d recommend is working a number/measurable metric into your pitch if you can, but this is a solid headline!

  20. This is beyond helpful Austin! The word cloud is a great idea and is helping me develop a headline as we speak. Thank you!

    1. Awesome Shonna, excited to see what you come up with!

  21. Vicky Myers says:

    I read your article and I must say this was great. I recently graduated February 2020 and I’m so lost. I don’t know what to say to get any feed back. I have no experience as a healthcare management with an associate degree.

    1. I’m glad it was helpful Vicky, I’m wishing you a ton of success out there!

  22. Hemant Budhivant says:

    Hey changed my headline …. i think i have brought some value to the header space … thanks for your article

    1. Glad it was helpful Hemant!

  23. Betzi says:

    Hi Austin,
    The article is really an eye opener. Never has the thought of the power of the profile headline in Linkedin. Thank you so much. Going by the article, I have tried my hand at re-phrasing my profile headline. Kindly advise.

    Total Rewards | Compensation & Benefits | Performance Management | Payroll | Data Enthusiast with an eye for value creation to companies with compelling rewards strategies

    Thank you

    1. Looks like a great start Betzi! I think there’s an opportunity to quantify the rewards strategy. Do your strategies improve performance? If so, by how much? Do they improve retention? If so, by how much? Etc.

  24. S. says:

    Brilliant post! Do you feel that this is clear enough as to a headline? (I fall under the entrepreneur category):

    Chief Listening Officer | I work with organizations to create dynamic leadership and inclusion skills through world class listening | TEDx speaker | Storyteller

    Background: hearing impaired, do professional speaking and consulting in this area, ran a large manufacturing business, did a lot of stand up comedy, but not sure if it’s relevant for this purpose…. I could replace “Storyteller” with “Professional Speaker” or would that be redundant because I have “TEDx speaker” elsewhere. Or I could even replace “Storyteller” with “Wicked sense of humour” but worried about the professionalism.

    1. I like it Stephen! The only thing it’s missing is some metrics. How can you quantify the benefit of the leadership and inclusion that comes from world class listening? As a company or employer, I would want a quantifiable way to know how that would impact my team.

  25. Sun says:

    Hi Austin,
    Thanks a lot for your posts.
    I found it extremely helpful using the visualization by worldclouds!

    Do you plan to write a post about LinkedIn ‘About’ – self-introduction summary?

    1. Yes! It’s on our list 🙂

  26. Christopher says:

    Hi Austin – I found your posts today and have been working to take it all in! Good stuff indeed! How’s this for a Headline?
    Renewable Energy Operations, Program / Project Manager | I assist CEOs, CIOs, & CTOs to increase operational efficiency in processes by 35% & through software enhancement/upgrades by 45%! Let’s chat about how I can help!

    1. I like it Christopher! Nice work adding in those metrics!

  27. Janine says:

    Hey Austin- this is awesome! However, I’m currently employed and I worry changing my headline will tip off to my current employer that I’m looking elsewhere. Any advice?

    1. That’s definitely something to be aware of Janine. I would try to talk to your manager ahead of time and mention that you’ve been reading a lot about how LinkedIn can be beneficial in terms of branding for yourself but also for the company. You want to try it out but you wanted to check to see if it’s ok first. If you spin it up as you casually trying out the platform, you should be able to get buy in!

  28. Ana says:

    Hi Austin,

    Thank you for your amazing article! I graduated one year ago and worked as a Customer Account Manager in the aerospace industry. During my studies, I worked part time as a Sales Advisor. I am currently searching for a new opportunity in the aerospace or logistic industry, as I moved to another country. Would my headline work?

    German speaking Account Manager | Aerospace Industry, Transport & Logistics | MSc Business Administration | Developing positive customer relationships for 5+ years

  29. Stephen says:

    Hello, great article. Learnt a lot. Thanks
    I’m Self Employed for many years seeking to return to work.
    Having a few challenges determining appropriate position within an organisation.
    This is a headline I came up with…

    Operations & Data Analytics Manager. A technically curious leader, bootstrapped company & grew its revenue to $1M & increased customer retention via building systems and process Improvements. Aspiring Data Scientist

    Any advice?

  30. Lara says:

    Hi Austin,
    I’m Lara and the past 15 hours I have indulged into every piece of advice, examples and support you are offering on your webpage! Currently I have 12 tabs open on my Mac and I keep bookmarking everything, so that I do not loose anything! Best page I came across in my 6 years of Sales.
    I am working on my headline and currently (based on the advices you provided) I have the following:
    Digital Sales Manager – Sales Development – Strategic Partnerships Manager – Senior Account Executive – I help companies meet & exceed key sales targets, grow market share and build impactful teams

    Any feedback/ comment would be HIGHLY appreciated!
    Thank you & greetings from London!

  31. Hanna says:

    Hi Austin! This article was so helpful and gave me lots of great suggestions. I did what you suggested and came up with some keywords, but need some help for an entry-level Administrative Assistant who is also unemployed headline. What do you think of this for a headline?
    Administrative Assistant | Microsoft Word & Excel Certified | I Help Decrease Company Workloads By 15%
    (I haven’t really been an admin for many companies so I’m just guessing but don’t want to lie.) Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!



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  • Norway (Norge)+47
  • Oman (‫عُمان‬‎)+968
  • Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎)+92
  • Palau+680
  • Palestine (‫فلسطين‬‎)+970
  • Panama (Panamá)+507
  • Papua New Guinea+675
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  • Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie française))+590
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)+508
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines+1
  • Samoa+685
  • San Marino+378
  • São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe)+239
  • Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎)+966
  • Senegal (Sénégal)+221
  • Serbia (Србија)+381
  • Seychelles+248
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  • Slovakia (Slovensko)+421
  • Slovenia (Slovenija)+386
  • Solomon Islands+677
  • Somalia (Soomaaliya)+252
  • South Africa+27
  • South Korea (대한민국)+82
  • South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎)+211
  • Spain (España)+34
  • Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)+94
  • Sudan (‫السودان‬‎)+249
  • Suriname+597
  • Svalbard and Jan Mayen+47
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  • Switzerland (Schweiz)+41
  • Syria (‫سوريا‬‎)+963
  • Taiwan (台灣)+886
  • Tajikistan+992
  • Tanzania+255
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  • Timor-Leste+670
  • Togo+228
  • Tokelau+690
  • Tonga+676
  • Trinidad and Tobago+1
  • Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎)+216
  • Turkey (Türkiye)+90
  • Turkmenistan+993
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  • United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)+971
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  • Uruguay+598
  • Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)+998
  • Vanuatu+678
  • Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)+39
  • Venezuela+58
  • Vietnam (Việt Nam)+84
  • Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)+681
  • Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)+212
  • Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)+967
  • Zambia+260
  • Zimbabwe+263
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Want To Increase Your Chances Of Landing That Interview? Do This Next:

A great cover letter is only one piece of the puzzle. To really boost your chances, you'll want to pair it with a resume that's fully optimized for the role you're applying to.

Resumes that are optimized lead to more job interviews. But it can be confusing to know which keywords and best practices to use.

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Now that your LinkedIn is optimized, it's time to make sure your resume is tailored to the jobs you want to win.

Let's make sure the updates you made to your bullets are aligned with the specific jobs you're applying to.

Our #1 goal when networking is to get a referral. And when someone refers you in? They ask for your resume!

Our ResyMatch tool makes that easy. Here's how to do it in few simple steps:

Our ResyBuild tool will help you do this in a few simple steps:

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Job Toolkit
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Resume Course
Ahh So Close!
Job Toolkit
Coaching Call
Resume Course
Ahh So Close!
I'm giving away some of my premium content for FREE. This is stuff you won't find anywhere on the site. Stuff that's helped people just like you land jobs at places like Google with no "traditional" experience and without applying online. If you're tired of job searching and want to land a job you love, spin for a chance to win strategies most people pay for: