The Job Search
Email Playbook
The complete guide to effortless, offer-winning job search communication.
The Job Search Playbook comes with 25+ plug-and-play email templates, real world examples, and expert guidance for every situation in the job search.
Our Emails Templates Have Helped Thousands Of Job Seekers Land More Interviews, Win More Job Offers, & Negotiate Higher Salaries
Those Job Offers Have Come From Companies Like:

What's Inside The Job Search Email Playbook?
The Job Search Email Playbook is broken down into 3 sections. Here's an overview of each:

Section #1: Tools Of The Email Trade & Basic Expectations
The first section of the Job Search Email Playbook is a crash course in the fundamentals of great emailing:

Section #2: Data-Driven Tips For Crazy High Response Rates
This Section Will Teach You Data-Back Tips & Frameworks To Help You Land Responses From Anyone & Everyone:

Section #3: All Of The Email Templates & Examples You Need
This is where the magic happens! This section includes 25+ plug-and-play email templates with real world examples for every situation in your job search.
What's that? You want to know exactly what email templates and examples come with the playbook?
You got it.
Here is every single scenario the playbook covers (just click each section to expand it and see all of the templates in that section):
Here Are The 25+ Email Templates Included In The Playbook (Click To Expand):
1. How To Tell Your Friends You’re Looking For A Job
2. How To Tell Former Colleagues & Connections You’re Looking For A Job
3. How To Follow Up With Friends & Former Connections About Your Job Search
1. How To Let A Recruiter, Hiring Manager, or Potential Know That You Applied For A Job
2. How To Follow Up On An Email About Your Application
1. How To Ask An Alumni Of Your School For A Conversation
2. How To Ask About Someone’s Career Transition
3. How To Recognize Someone For A Big Accomplishment
4. How To Add Value To Someone’s Work
5. How To Ask For Advice & Get Mentors (The “Advice Triangle”)
6. How To Follow Up When Networking
1. How To Send A LinkedIn Connection Request That Gets Accepted
2. How To Write LinkedIn Comments That Get You Noticed
3. How To Write LinkedIn Recommendations
1. How To Write A Job-Winning Post-Interview Thank You Note
2. How To Ask Recruiters For Your Interviewer’s Contact Information
3. How To Request A Status Update From The Hiring Team
4. How To Follow Up On A Status Update From The Hiring Team
5. How To Send A Value Validation Project Before An Interview
6. How To Send A Value Validation Project After An Interview
7. How To Tell A Company About Another Job Offer
8. How To Ask Someone To Be A Reference For You
1. How To Write A Post-Rejection Thank You Note
2. How To Check In / Follow Up With A Contact From A Company You Had Perviously Interviewed With
1. How To Negotiate The Compensation Package For An Initial Job Offer
2. How To Negotiate The Compensation Package For A Counter Offer
3. How To Decline A Job Offer
4. How To Tell Your Boss You’re Resigning From Your Current Job
Here's What People Are Saying About The Playbook
"I've hired hundreds of people and coached hundreds of managers over the past 20 years. When I think about the the things that separate the best candidates from everyone else, communication and value are two things that stand out. Austin's templates and strategies for job search communication make it easy for anyone to jump into that top tier of candidates, I wholeheartedly recommend them."
Who Am I & Why Am I Qualified To Share Advice On Job Search Emails?
My name is Austin Belcak and I teach a community of 1.5+ million job seekers how to land their dream job without applying online. My job search system is based on 7+ years of experience, stemming from my own transition.
I graduated college with a biology degree, a 2.58 GPA, and a job in healthcare. My dream? To transition into tech and work at a company like Microsoft or Google. After 300+ online applications and no results, I gave up on the traditional job search system we’re all taught and decided to create my own.
That new system placed a heavy focus on networking, mostly with individuals that I’d never met before. Email was the medium I used to connect with them.
In addition to networking, I began freelancing as a way to build real world experience in the digital marketing space. Email was the medium I used to prospect and close most of my clients.
During the year and a half that I spent job searching, I sent thousands of emails. I tracked all of them, constantly A/B testing templates and outreach strategies to understand what would give me the best shot of winning my dream job.
The result? Interviews with Google and Twitter and an offer from Microsoft with a $70,000+ raise (500% more than I was making when I graduated from college 18 months earlier).
Six months into my role at Microsoft, I started Cultivated Culture where I’ve personally coached thousands of job seekers who have used my system to land jobs at places like Google, Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, Spotify, Nike, Salesforce, AirBnB, Tesla, SpaceX, and more.
That coaching has helped me refine my email systems for the past 6 years to better understand how the system I created works for people in different industries, different countries, different levels of experience, and with different goals.
Now I want to share it with you!
This playbook includes all of the email templates and examples you’ll need for every single stage of the job search.
Each template has 7+ years and thousands of data points baked into it so you can feel confident that it will work for you.
See you inside!
Frequently Asked Questions
The Playbook contains content for over 25 job search scenarios. Each scenario comes with 4 sections:
1. Goal - This breaks down the goal of this particular email (i.e. why you should send it and what to expect).
2. When To Use - This section walks you through the exact moment (or moments) when you should leverage this email template to maximize your outcomes.
3. Email Template - This is the plug and play email template! The whole thing is written out for you and the "Plug And Play" areas are bolded so you know exactly where to add your own content.
4. Example Email - Templates on their own are nice, but things get a heck of a lot easier when you can see how that template translates to an actual email. That's what this section is all about. I'll turn the template into a real world example so you can see it in its final form.
Sure! Here's what a template might look like for someone who's following up with a networking contact who gave them advice:
"Hi [Insert Name],
Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me last week.
I really enjoyed our conversation, especially your recommendation to [Insert Piece of Advice They Shared].
I spent the past week [Insert Action You Took Based On Their Advice] and [Insert Positive Outcome]. I also learned [Insert New Learning] which I hadn't known before. Thank you so much for putting me on to that advice.
If you don't mind me asking, given my goal of [Insert Goal], what would be a good next step?
I know how busy things are and I want to respect your time so if asking for more advice is too large of an ask right now, no problem at all. Either way, I hope you have a wonderful week!"
Sure! We did the sample template above, why not add an example here? Let's continue with the same template to make things easy:
"Hi Jasmine,
Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me last week.
I really enjoyed our conversation, especially your recommendation to audit the social media strategies for companies I want to work for.
I spent the past week diving into Rivian's social media content, I brainstormed 3 ways they could improve their results, and I wrote it all up in this post on my personal website. I learned a ton of new tricks in the process, thank you so much for sharing that advice.
If you don't mind me asking, given my goal of landing a marketing role in the EV/Automotive industry, what would be a good next step?
I know how busy things are and I want to respect your time so if asking for more advice is too large of an ask right now, no problem at all. Either way, I hope you have a wonderful week!"
My team and I spent dozens of hours brainstorming all of the possible scenarios that job seekers face during their search. That turned into the 25+ email templates and examples that you'll get in this playbook. Those templates should cover pretty much every meaningful scenario you run into during your job search. And if we missed one? Just use the Contact form on our site to let us know, we'll send you a template and get it added to the playbook :)
Yes. Due to the fact that purchasing the playbook gives you immediate access to every copy and paste template, all Job Search Email Playbook sales are final.
Giving Back With The Job Search Email Playbook
Giving back is a huge part of the Cultivated Culture mission. While there are many, many ways to do that, we focus on two: Climate Change and Mental Health.
We plant one tree for every single Job Search Email Playbook we sell 🌲
Additionally, Cultivated Culture donates a portion of its gross profits to support the following organizations:

Note: All Job Search Playbook Sales Are Final
Disclaimer: All materials, content, templates, and examples in the Job Search Email Playbook are only for private and personal use. No commercial use is allowed without authorized permission.
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