Sick of Hearing "Sorry, You Don't Have Enough Experience?"
Introducing a proven framework for building the skills and results you need to change careers and break into a new industry (even if you have absolutely NO relevant experience right now):

Data Scientist at Door Dash
I used Austin's material to land myself two job offers in an industry I had zero experience in. Not only did Austin help me clarify which choice made sense, he taught me a way of assessing the risk of both jobs to make the smartest decision. That in itself, not only applied to finding a job, but applies to all my future life decisions. Something I'll have with me for the rest of my life.
What Happened To Becoming An Astronaut?
Remember when you were a kid and your parents would ask you, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”
That question created a portal into our imaginations where anything was possible.
You could be an NFL quarterback, tossing hail mary deep into the endzone. Or maybe you were destined to set foot on Mars and find the first sign of alien life. Or, better yet, you planned to jump through the wall on Platform 9 and ¾ to join the wizarding world, leaving these muggles behind forever!
Looking back, the craziest thing about these aspirations wasn’t the level of difficulty (or trans-dimensional travel) required to make them happen. The craziest thing was the way people reacted to them:
“Alien life? That is AMAZING! Of course you can do it, NASA is going to be lucky to have you in a few years.” - Your Kindergarten Teacher (Probably)
“Lead the Autobot revolution against the evil Decepticons, saving the world? I wouldn’t expect anything less, you can do anything you put your mind to.” - Your Parents (Probably)
Everybody was so supportive and accepting, it was amazing! The world was truly your oyster...
Fast forward to the present day.
You just got off the phone with a recruiter from the latest company that was willing to take a chance on your resume (which are few and far between these days). Their words are still ringing in your head:
“Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me! The team really liked you, but we decided to move forward with another candidate who had more experience.”
If that story sounds a little bit too familiar, you’re probably stuck in one of two situations:
1. It’s still early on in your career, but you quickly figured out that what you studied in college is NOT what you expected it to be in the real world.
You want to make a career change, but no one will take a chance on you because your major isn’t relevant anymore and you don’t have any “real” experience in the field you want to switch to.
2. You’ve been in the professional world for a bit and the burnout is beginning to set in.
Maybe your job isn’t as fulfilling as you’d hoped, maybe it’s not challenging you anymore, maybe you’re not being paid what you deserve, or maybe you’re just simply not interested. Whatever the reason, you’re ready to pivot onto a new, exciting path.
Problem is, all of your professional experience is either in one specific field or it’s scattered across short stints in many different areas.
Either way, it’s not matching up with what employers want so the applications you submit go unread and the interviews you get end with that dreaded sentence, “we moved forward with someone who had more experience.”
If you’re fed up and frustrated with hearing that same damn sentence with every new opportunity you pursue, I’ve got good news:
There’s a way out.
Who Am I?

Austin Belcak
Founder, Cultivated Culture
Hi! My name is Austin, founder of Cultivated Culture.
I spent 2 years tearing apart the hiring process to discover the "secrets" behind landing jobs at the world's best companies without any traditional experience.
Those learnings allowed me to transition from a new grad with a 2.58 GPA and a job in healthcare to landing offers in digital marketing at Google, Microsoft, & Twitter along with a $70,000 raise.
Since then, I've helped people just like you change careers and land jobs at companies like Google, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, Space X, Amazon, Apple, & more without formal industry experience or a relevant degree.
I graduated from college with a biology degree, a 2.58 GPA, and 3 months of experience in the medical field at a job I absolutely hated.
I knew I had to make a change, but nobody would take a chance on me. I applied to over 300 companies in dozens of different industries and those words became a dreaded refrain:
“We went with someone who had more experience.”
“Your background doesn’t match as well as some of our other candidates.”
“We’re looking for someone who’s a better fit.”
UGH! I wanted to put my fist through the wall...until I discovered a new approach that had employers saying:
“This is amazing, we’ve never had a candidate do this for us.”
“How did you learn this? It’s exactly what we’re looking for.”
“You really did your research, didn’t you. Impressive, I’d like to move forward with this.”
Those responses didn’t just come from random companies either. Those quotes are from hiring managers at Google, Microsoft, and Twitter (where I landed job offers despite my lack of traditional experience and my completely irrelevant degree in Biology).
The truth is, if you want to pivot into a brand new career without any experience, you need to go out and build that experience yourself.
I hate to break it to you, but companies just don't "take chances" on people.
First, let's talk numbers.
Research from Glassdoor and Workopolis show that the companies see an average of 250-350+ applications for every open role they post. Roughly five of them are going to be brought in for the interview.
When there are that many people applying, you can bet that at least five of them check all the qualification boxes.
Now put yourself in the employer's shoes. If you're choosing between an applicant who checks all the boxes and a non-traditional applicant who's clearly spinning their "transferable skills," who would you choose?
First, because hiring is a huge risk!
According to the US Department of Labor, a bad hire can cost the company up to 30% of the employee's first year earnings. A study by Mellon Financial Corp showed that bad hires can cost companies 1-2.5% of total revenues due to the cost of hiring and lost productivity.
Translation? Spending hours on tactical job searching (tweaking resumes, writing cover letters, and applying for jobs) is going to be a huge waste of your time if you haven't built up the skills and experience you need to be qualified.
Companies simply aren't going to pay someone that they have to train from scratch. You need to make investments in yourself to learn the skills and get real world results in your new industry.
The good news is, you don’t need a "formal job" to build experience. You can get out there and build it on your own. You can even create a second source of income while you’re doing it!
Today, I'm going to show you how:
Introducing The No Experience, No Problem Course
In January of 2014 I was a medical device sales representative with six months of professional experience making $35,000/year. I graduated with a biology degree, a 2.5 GPA, and I was in $10,000+ of credit card debt.
In October of 2015, I accepted an offer in digital sales at Microsoft (alongside offers from Google and Twitter) with a total compensation package of $138,000 per year.
How did I catapult my salary 400% and land a job at one of the most prestigious tech companies in the world without any traditional skills, experience, or degrees in technology or marketing?
I used a specific framework to build the experience myself -- I call it the No Experience, No Problem framework.
Using that framework, I taught myself everything I needed to know about digital marketing. Then I used that knowledge to generate real world results. In my case, that came in the form of freelancing where I generated leads for real estate agents in private communities across the US.
They paid me thousands of dollars per month to do it too - I was learning from scratch and I was getting paid to do it. And paid well! I was bringing in $5,000/month just to hone my skills.
But you don’t need to be an aspiring marketer and you don’t need to pitch any clients to make this happen. That’s just my story, one of many paths you can take to build the experience you need to make the career pivot you want.
I've used this same framework with coaching clients to help them break into industries like software engineering, consulting, healthcare, education, program management, product management, sales, etc.
Now I'm publicly releasing this framework in the No Experience course so you can see the same results.
Do These Sound Familiar?
- The only response you get from online applications are automated rejections
- You know you need experience to get the job you want, but you can't get any experience if no one will take a chance and hire you
- You're constantly being told that the company went with someone who "had more experience" or "was a better fit"
- People tell you to "go back to school" and rack up even more debt when the first degree you got (which was supposed to open doors to jobs) hasn't done anything for you
- You feel like you're doing everything "right," following all of the expert advice, but you're still not getting any results
If any of those hit too close to home, it's time to take action. I'm going to help you break through those barriers right here, right now.
This Course Is A Prerequisite To Tactical Job Searching (& It Will Boost Your Success)
If tweaking your resume and optimizing your LinkedIn profile are the advanced job search methods, No Experience is their prerequisite.
See, if you don't have any real experience or results to speak to, it doesn't matter how many applications you blast out.
You're not going to land any offers because you're going to get beat out by candidates who already have real, relevant qualifications.
Why would an employer take a chance on someone with "transferable skills" but no real experience when they have a dozen other candidates with real qualifications?
That's where this course comes in.
If you want to get replies from your applications, if you want to make it into deep interview rounds, and if you want to land real job offers in a new field, you need to build some credibility and experience first.
That's why you won't find any resume tips, strategies for applying online, or LinkedIn profile advice in this course.
You're not ready for that yet.
Instead, the No Experience, No Problem course will give you a step-by-step roadmap for identifying and building the exact skills you need to change industries.
It'll teach you how to build those skills quickly and then turn that knowledge into real world results that will get you hired in any industry, regardless of your current background or experience.
You can expect to learn:
- How to identify the right skills that you need to build in order to be a competitive candidate in your target industry (and how to avoid wasting time on the wrong skills)
- Proven strategies for efficiently building foundational knowledge and new skills (without spending thousands of dollars on courses or certifications)
- Specific methods for turning your new knowledge into real world results that you can leverage as experience to land a job you love in a new industry
- Overcoming objections employers have with candidates from non-traditional backgrounds so you never, EVER have to hear the phrase “we went with someone who had more experience” again!
By the end of this course you will know exactly how to build the experience and results you need to land a job in any industry, regardless of your current level of experience.
Then you'll be ready to dial into the tactical aspects of job searching like tweaking your resume, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, and building connections with the confidence that you'll have real experience those employers will buy into.
You'll never hear anyone say, "sorry, you don't have enough experience" ever again. I guarantee it.
(Seriously, I do).
Here's What People Are Saying About The No Experience Course
The No Experience, No Problem framework has helped thousands of job seekers switch careers and break into brand new industries without traditional experience.
The framework has helped people at every stage in their career (from new grad to seasoned veteran) and across industries including software engineering, sales, healthcare, consulting, finance, project management, marketing, data science, and more.
Here are just a few of the companies people have landed at using the framework:

And here are a few personal success stories from people just like you who leveraged the No Experience framework to pivot into a brand new industry:

SEO Manager at LinkedIn
I never thought it would be possible to go from teaching high school Spanish to becoming an SEO manager at one of the world's top tech companies in less than a year. With Austin's help, I was getting paid to learn the skills I needed to switch and was adding value that got my recognized by my dream company. Making a drastic career change is not at all impossible - you just need the right strategy and guidance. After my salary increase, No Experience No Problem paid for itself more than 400 times over. It was the single best investment I've ever made in myself, and I highly recommend it for anyone who is ready to switch careers.

Program Manager at Amazon
*Amish asked me to use a pseudonym
Austin helped me make the transition from a VP role in finance to a Program Manager role at Amazon. The new role came with a $275,000 compensation package -- a 30% increase over my previous salary.

Senior Analyst at American Express
I was looking to switch industries, but unsure of how to successfully market myself. Austin helped me re-frame my thinking and realize that my non-traditional background was, in fact, an advantage. His course also helped me tremendously as I prepared for interviews; I learned how to ask the right questions about roles and companies and how to tell stories that convey my skills. Shifting into a more positive mentality and learning how to talk about my experiences landed me the job I previously thought I was unqualified for.

Customer Success Manager at Facebook
*Jenny asked me to use a pseudonym
Austin's advice helped me successfully navigate 7 interviews at Facebook and have been offered a position as a Client Solutions Manager, a big pivot from my current job as a management consultant!

Data Analyst at Jefferson Health
Austin's strategies helped me make the transition from tech into a brand new industry - the healthcare space - along with a $12,000 raise on top of the company's original offer!
Here's What's Inside The No Experience Course
Module 1: The No Experience, No Problem Blueprint

Objective: Reveal why 99% of people fail to successfully change careers, walk through the No Experience course, and break down the exact formula you're going to use to land a job in any industry you want regardless of your current experience.
- Introduction & what to expect from the course
- A behind-the-scenes look at why it's so damn hard to change careers in today's market (and why no one will just "give you a chance")
- Discover the 4 step framework for breaking into a brand new field without any prior experience
Module 2: How To Rapidly Identify & Learn The Skills You Need To Get Hired

Objective: This module will show you how to identify and build the exact skills that employers are looking (and paying) for without spending a fortune on courses, books, and certifications. I'll show you how to learn everything you need for less than $50.
- A simple trick for identifying the skills that will get you the most bang for your buck (so you don’t waste time learning skills that won’t get you hired)
- My strategy for building foundational knowledge in any new skill set for less than $50 -- no more expensive courses, books, or certifications
- A hack that will give you access to a "database" of the most in-demand skills right now -- skills that employers are willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for
- Word-for-word email templates and scripts that will get you results with just a simple copy/paste
Module 3: Building Real Experience That Will Blow Employers Away (& How To Get Paid To Learn)

Objective: This module will show you how to turn your knowledge into real world results -- the kind employers will buy into. I'm going to show you how to book real clients and create real projects that people are willing to pay you for! You can literally get paid to learn and create a second income while building your experience. This course will literally pay for itself.
- Learn how to offer your services as a freelancer so you get paid to hone your skills and create results for your portfolio/resume (I was making $5,000/month with this strategy!)
- Reveal the process for positioning yourself as an established thought leader in your new industry so recruiters/companies are reaching out to YOU with opportunities
- Discovering 3 types of projects you can create and leverage as experience for any industry you want to break into
- Video Case Study: We spend an hour with my buddy Patrick, breaking down his journey to landing a job in software development at Instacart despite having a completely irrelevant degree and no prior experience in tech or web development
Module 4: How To Sell Your Non-Traditional Background To Employers

Objective: We'll wrap up the course by showing you how to speak about your non-traditional background and sell it to employers. Stop wasting your time defending your past and begin focusing on what matters - the value you bring to the table.
- Discover how to create a story that will shift the focus away from defending your background to using it as a sales tool
- Unlock a "copy & paste" script anyone can use to spin their non-traditional background into an advantage that employers will buy into [Script & Template Included]
This course is not a magic bullet that will have you landing job offers in a brand new industry overnight.
It's not even going to touch on your resume, your LinkedIn profile, or anything around applying for jobs!
Why? Because if you're changing industries, you're not ready for that yet.
This course is the very first step in the process of a career pivot and it requires work.
A lot of work.
It takes time and effort to learn new skills and it takes even more time to turn them into results that you can put on your resume.
If you want to successfully switch industries and start landing jobs you love, you need to start with a foundation of credibility and real world results. You need to invest in that before you start tweaking resumes and firing off applications.
If you're looking for another resume "hack" or are expecting instant gratification, you're going to HATE this course. Don't buy it.
You can spin the experience on your resume six ways from Sunday, but if you have no real experience to speak to, no employer is going to take a chance on you. You're just wasting your time.
This course is for people who see the big picture. People who understand that building skills and experience now will make their job search SO much easier and help them get the results they want later.
This course will show you how to do that. It will show you how to figure out what skills to build, how to build them quickly, and how to turn them into real experience.
If you're ready for that, you're going to love this course.
If you feel like you know where you want to go next, and you're ready for advice on the tactical aspects of job searching (resumes, networking, applying to opportunities), then you may be interested in my Dream Job System course!
Try The Entire No Experience Course Risk Free!
The best part of the whole deal is that No Experience, No Problem is backed by a 30 day, results-based guarantee.
I am 110% confident that the No Experience course will work for you, but I want YOU to be 100% satisfied with the results you get. If you sign up for the course, do all of the work, and don't begin to see results within 30 days, I'll refund you every penny:

Pay in full (save 10%)
Get access to the full No Experience, No Problem course for a single payment (save 10% vs. paying monthly)!
Six Month Payment Plan
Get access to the full No Experience, No Problem course by spreading your payments out across 6 months!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Try No Experience Risk-Free!
I promise that this course will work for you.
I guarantee that taking this course and following through on the steps inside will help you land more job interviews in any industry, regardless of your current level of experience.
As a result No Experience, No Problem is backed by a full 30-day, money back guarantee. If you do the work and don’t begin to see results within 30 days, I will refund you every penny.
If you are buying this course because you want a magical pill that will do the work for you, this is totally not for you. Job searching requires a lot of work. A lot of commitment. A lot of persistence. If you are lazy, don't buy the course. I actually require that you do work. If you do opt to refund the course, I require you to submit a few basic assignments to show that you've given it an honest effort. If that isn't something you're cool with, we understand. This course probably isn't a good fit for you.
Note: In this vein, we do not offer refunds for "not having time," because "something came up," or for anyone who has not put in the work required. If you do not have time to take this course right now, please do not purchase it. If you'd like more information on the refund policy, please read the course terms here.

Frequently Asked Questions
Have Questions About The No Experience Course?
I've included answers to the most common questions below, but everyone's situation is different and I want to make sure you have all the information you need to make a good decision!
With that in mind, if you have questions that aren't answered below, feel free to shoot me an email!
You Said "This Isn't A Job Search Course." What Does That Mean?
Great question!
No Experience, No Problem isn't a tactical job search course in the sense that we won't be talking about optimizing resumes, writing cover letters, networking, etc.
Why? Because chances are pretty darn good that you're not ready for it yet.
You may say, "but if someone would just give me a chance, I KNOW I can do this job." Problem is, there are 300 other people applying for these roles and many of them are already highly qualified to do it.
If you want to be able to pivot into a new industry, you need to have skills, credibility, and results to speak to.
This course will provide you with a framework for figuring out the exact skills employers want, how to build them quickly and efficiently, and how to turn them into real world results that employers will buy into.
Once you have that, you can begin applying the tactical job search strategies like the ones you'd find later on in my Dream Job System course.
How Is This Different Than Your Dream Job System Course
Dream Job System (DJS) is my flagship course that covers my entire job search strategy from end to end.
You can think of No Experience, No Problem as the perquisite to that course for people who are trying to change industries.
Diving into DJS isn't going to get you very far if you don't have the skills, credibilty, and experience that employers are looking for. You need to build those first if you want to be successful with any approach to job searching.
No Experience, No Problem will teach you how to fast-track the process of getting that experience.
It will show you how to identify the skills that employers want most. It will show you how to make sure you're being incredibly efficient with your time when you're learning those skills. It will teach you how to turn books and courses into real world experience. It will even teach you how to get paid while you learn!
Then, once you have experience and credibility you can speak to, you can move on to the tactical job search strategies in my Dream Job System course with the confidence that you have real experience employers will value and be willing to invest in!
If you're trying to change industries, this is your starting point. Your 101. Dream Job System is the next step that builds on the principles in this course.
Will This Course Continue To Be Updated & Will I Get Access To Future Versions?
Absolutely! This course will be updated regularly as feedback comes in from students who have taken it.
My hope is that you view this as a lifetime investment. Not only will it help you with your job search today, but with every future dream job search you undertake. As a result, you will have full access to any and all future updates. In fact, you won't even need to change credentials, just log in and take advantage.
How Is The Course Material Different That What Is On The Blog Or In Your Emails?
Great question! Let's flash back to college. If the blog posts and emails are chapters in the textbook, No Experience is the entire college course.
For example, my No Connections article is a 20 minute read (according to Medium) and discusses my job search strategy at a high level. The corresponding No Experience course material consists of over 4.5 hours of video content, complete with resources that you won't find anywhere else (Scripts, Templates, Tools, Resources, Strategies, etc).
The blog posts lay out the strategies as if we lived in a perfect world. You complete step 1, then step 2, etc., etc. and boom! You have your dream job. The reality is, you are going to run into obstacles. You are going to want to give up. This course is designed to give you all the tools you need to overcome those obstacles and keep pushing through until you reach your goal.
You Talk A Lot About "Tech." Will This Work For Someone Who Isn't In The Tech Industry?
Yes! The strategies in this course have helped people land jobs in consulting, finance, the arts, healthcare/medicine, and more. The strategies will help you excel in any industry.
Money Is Tight Right Now, How Can I Afford This?
That's really a question that only you have the answer to.
That said, I can tell you that these strategies have personally led to an $93,000/year pay raise. It's not uncommon for the students who take the course to see $10k, $20k, even $50k+ salary bumps after going through the material. If you check out Amish's testimonial above, he netted an $82,500 raise using the same framework that's laid out in this course!
This course is an investment and I have done everything in my power to ensure that it's one of the best investments you ever make. It might seem like a lot of money now, but the course pays for itself 10x+ over when you begin to see results.
Would you pay for something if you knew that you could get a job you love with thousands of dollars of incremental salary in return?
In addition, you'll have lifetime access so any time you feel "stuck" or "limited," you can come back here and make change happen. That's powerful.
It's less about the bottom line cost, and more about the return on investment for the rest of your life.
What If I Have No Idea What I Want To Do With My Life Or Career?
If you're not sure about what you want to do, this course is the perfect template to help you decide.
The truth is, "your passion" isn't something that hits you like a bolt of lightning in the middle of the night. Your passion is kind of like dipping your fries in your milkshake - you didn't know you'd love it until you tried it. The best way to find out what you want to do is by talking to a bunch of people who are doing interesting things and by "piloting" new fields for short periods of time.
This course will show you exactly how to do both of those things. It will teach you how to reach out to people and learn more about what they do. It will also show you how to dip your toe into any new field to see if you enjoy it.
If you rinse and repeat that method, you'll have a MUCH better chance of finding what you love than you would by reading blog post after blog post or job description after job description hoping something clicks.
How Much Time Will It Take To Finish The Course?
The course is self paced, meaning you can take it at your own speed.
I recommend that you watch each lesson until you fully understand the concepts, and then take action on what you learn. I tell my students that they shouldn't move ahead until they have started to see results from the previous lesson.
The timing will vary based on how much time you put in each day, along with how well you understand the concepts and continue to take action on them.
How Many Hours A Day Do I Need To Dedicate To The Course?
This is another personal question that only you can answer. The bottom line is, the more time you put in each day, the faster you'll move through the course and on to your dream job.
After I developed this system, I usually spent 1-2 hours every day working through the material.
How Do I Take The Course? Is It A Physical Product? All Online?
The course is 100% online which means that you can access it from anywhere, at any time, on any device. It's incredible easy to start a video on your computer and then fire it up on your phone on your way to work.
Giving Back With Cultivated Culture
Giving back is a huge part of the Cultivated Culture mission.
Taking action is a fundamental part of my nature and the lessons I teach on Cultivated Culture. I'm a big believer in action that goes beyond ourselves, that has an impact on our neighbors, our communities, and the rest of the world.
Cultivated Culture specifically focuses on two initiatives: Climate Change and Mental Health.
For every purchase of the No Experience, No Problem course, we make a donation to help remove carbon dioxide equivalents from the atmosphere and to plant one tree 🌲. In addition, Cultivated Culture makes contributions to the following organizations:

While planting trees isn't the most effective form of capturing carbon and making progress, it's still a vital part of our ecosystem. I contribute to the The National Forest Foundation and their mission to conserve, restore, and sustain our national forests and grasslands.
To date, Cultivated Culture has helped the NFF plant over 2,000 trees 🌲.

Movember is an organization focused on preventing men from dying early. Movember focuses on a range of issues from mental to physical health. Their goal is to reduce male suicide rates 25% by 2030 and I'm working to help them get there!

Tradewater focuses on finding and destroying refrigerants and other gases that have warming potentials up to 10,000 times stronger than carbon dioxide. Tradewater locates sources of these gases, purchases them, and safely destroys them.
This is a highly efficient method with immediate impact. Cultivated Culture's contributions help remove ~20 tons of CO2 equivalents from the atmosphere every year.
Climeworks is a direct air capture technology that effectively “captures” carbon from the air and safely stores it for later use as a raw material. Direct air capture is still in early stages as a technology, so it's not the most efficient way to capturing carbon. Our contributions help remove a modest ~560 lbs of carbon from the atmosphere every year.
That said, the field has a lot of potential! This is a longer term play. I hope our contributions help make a small impact in progressing that technology to help increase its efficiency and effectiveness.
© 2022 Cultivated Culture, LLC | Terms & Conditions | Refund Policy